Streams Direct REST API
Description | Testnet URL | Mainnet URL |
REST endpoint to query specific reports | | |
All routes require the following three headers for user authentication:
Header | Description |
Authorization | The user’s unique identifier, provided as a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier). |
X-Authorization-Timestamp | The current timestamp, with precision up to milliseconds. The timestamp must closely synchronize with the server time, allowing a maximum discrepancy of 5 seconds (by default). |
X-Authorization-Signature-SHA256 | The HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) signature, generated by hashing parts of the request and its metadata using SHA-256 with a shared secret key. |
API endpoints
Return a single report at a given timestamp
Type | Description | Parameter(s) |
HTTP GET | Returns a single report for a given timestamp. |
Sample request
GET /api/v1/reports?feedID=<feedID>×tamp=<timestamp>
Sample response
"report": {
"feedID": "Hex encoded feedId.",
"validFromTimestamp": "Report's earliest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"observationsTimestamp": "Report's latest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"fullReport": "A blob containing the report context and body. Encode the fee token into the payload before passing it to the contract for verification."
Return a single report with the latest timestamp
Type | Parameter(s) |
HTTP GET | feedID : A Data Streams feed ID. |
Sample request
GET /api/v1/reports/latest?feedID=<feedID>
Sample response
"report": {
"feedID": "Hex encoded feedId.",
"validFromTimestamp": "Report's earliest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"observationsTimestamp": "Report's latest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"fullReport": "A blob containing the report context and body. Encode the fee token into the payload before passing it to the contract for verification."
Return a report for multiple FeedIDs at a given timestamp
Type | Description | Parameter(s) |
HTTP GET | Return a report for multiple FeedIDs at a given timestamp. |
Sample request
GET /api/v1/reports/bulk?feedIDs=<FeedID1>,<FeedID2>,...×tamp=<timestamp>
Sample response
"reports": [
"feedID": "Hex encoded feedId.",
"validFromTimestamp": "Report's earliest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"observationsTimestamp": "Report's latest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"fullReport": "A blob containing the report context and body. Encode the fee token into the payload before passing it to the contract for verification."
Return multiple sequential reports for a single FeedID, starting at a given timestamp
Type | Description | Parameter(s) |
HTTP GET | Return multiple sequential reports for a single FeedID, starting at a given timestamp. |
Sample request
GET /api/v1/reports/page?feedID=<FeedID>&startTimestamp=<StartTimestamp>&limit=<Limit>
Sample response
"reports": [
"feedID": "Hex encoded feedId.",
"validFromTimestamp": "Report's earliest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"observationsTimestamp": "Report's latest applicable timestamp (in seconds).",
"fullReport": "A blob containing the report context and body. Encode the fee token into the payload before passing it to the contract for verification."
Error response codes
Status Code | Description |
400 Bad Request | This error is triggered when:
401 Unauthorized User | This error is triggered when:
500 Internal Server | Indicates an unexpected condition encountered by the server, preventing it from fulfilling the request. This error typically points to issues on the server side. |
206 Missing data (/bulk endpoint only) | Indicates that at least one feed ID data is missing from the report. E.g., you requested a report for feed IDs <feedID1> , <feedID2> , and <feedID3> at a given timestamp. If data for <feedID2> is missing from the report (not available yet at the specified timestamp), you get [<feedID1 data>, <feedID3 data>] and a 206 response. |